All these photos were taken in Bligh Waters, Fiji, in 2015. Many of the animals were spotted, at a considerable distance, by Jesse of the Wananavu dive boat. The captions describe the photo above in each case.
I think this is Goniobranchus, perhaps G. geometricus in a different color form from those seen round Sydney.
Thysanozoon nigropapillosum. This one’s a Platyhelminth, from an entirely different phylum, not a nudibranch.
Chromodoris lochi. A beautiful species.
Phyllidia elegans, I think, though we can’t see all of its important parts, and there are lots of Phyllidia species.
The unfortunately named Phyllidiella pustulosa. (“Thanks so much, Cuvier.”) The head is at the upper right.*
Another Phyllidiella species, I think. This is a tricky group.
Nembrotha lineolata, I think. There seems to be some color variation in this species.